Monday, June 1, 2009

So Jesus totally saved my life today!!!!!!

so yeah it was my day off at the dream center and none of my friends from LA were available to hang out so... I plotted this way-awesome course to walk around LA. I was going to go to this cathedral and an art museum.. all with in a few miles of the Dream Center...

So I'm walking and it is a lot further then I had imagined, and I am slightly considering turning back... it had been a nice walk so far but I had a ways to go and however far I end up I also have to walk that far back... I stop at a bus stop bench to sit for a while... now I am smart enough to know that as a single young beautiful women I need to be very observant and cautious not to do anything stupid because I am in the middle of LA alone...

...well a little ways before the bus stop I passed this middle aged asian man walking the opposite direction, he smiled at me... and I started to smile back but there was something in his smile that was odd. It wasn't sleezy but not a smile that makes a discerning person want to be their friend! so I didn't quite make it to a smile... I just kept on trying not to read into it. I sit down at the bench and then a couple moments later that same man (yes I'm sure it was him) walks past me from the direction he had just walked from (which means he walked back...) and he plants himself 6 to 8 feet from me. There were other people around, the bus for that stop was coming soon, but I noticed it was the same guy so I cautiously made myself aware of what he was doing... and he kept slyly making glances at me. I kept thinking about how maybe it was my imagination, but he kept on doing it... the same thing I was doing to him, making himself cautiously aware of what I was doing.

Then the bus for the bus stop we were at came and he pulled out some money from his wallet... I'm thinking great! this was all in my imagination!! yay!... well everyone at the stop got on the bus except for me and him, and I start talking to Jesus asking him if I'm crazy or not, but the guy is very slyly looking over at me to see if I'm going to get on, but I had only sat down to catch my breath... I decide while the bus is still there and when I think the guy isn't looking I should just get up and start walking back to the dream center and cut my day off where it is at and make sure I can get home ok, that is more important then my walking adventure!

So I do it, I get up and I start walking back the direction I came from... and as soon I start walking as fast as I can without looking like I'm panicked... I glance behind me and the guy is following me!! I look ahead and I see a street that I know will connect to one I need to be on eventually and I figure maybe if I take a different route then I came from but isn't a longer one then maybe that will help me...? I don't know, I've never been stalked by a creepy asian man in a big city... and I don't know what he could do to me or what could happen but I really didn't want to find out.... so I took that street and I start walking even more faster then I was I am up a block or so and I look behind me and he is still following me!!! I am totally scared out of my gourd by now but I can't stop I know I need to keep people around and I need to keep moving!!! I started praying and I started praying in tongues (sorry if that freaks you out..) I kept looking behind me and he was still following me for at least a mile or more because that street I had turned onto was a parently not a very busy street which isn't good because I was alone, but I was walking faster then him, PRAISE JESUS!! I kept looking behind me and he was still there but he was losing ground... finally I got to a busy part and after a while he wasn't there anymore!!!

I know, I know it was stupid to go walking around downtown LA by myself!! It was really stupid!! but I got to stop at a really cool cafe when I got back to around the Dream center.. it was just a couple streets over in the opposite direction I had gone before and it was on a main street... then I went back to the dream center and painted my toe nails red!

God is so amazing!! Some bad stuff could have happened today, and I keep thanking him for making me a smart person! for making me observant and with a good discerner... for giving me long legs!!!

No body worry for me please, i did something not very smart, I know that now! but I'm not going out like that!! Sorry to give anybody a scare... I think I was definitely humbled today, but I trust Jesus so much more then I did before and I thought I already trusted him a lot!!

yay Jesus
happy blogging!

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