Thursday, June 11, 2009


So I've been here a few days now... really groovin' it here at Mosgo's... kinda sad though now that I only have 1 day left of working :(

So I have been pondering something... there are these awesome people around the world who just love Jesus and they are so humble and they tell you about other christians and how much those other christians love Jesus and how holy or saint-like they are and... that is an amazing thing to say, shows a lot of humility and those people I'm sure are totally amazing God fearing people,... but I'm am noticing it is the people that tell you how amazing other people are that are the amazing ones!! There are these people here who press into Jesus day after day, love others, and have these amazing humble servants hearts.... they convict the hell out of me and they don't even realize it... a lot of the world doesn't see it but let me tell you there is something to be said for those strong solid steadily moving more and more towards Jesus kind of people!!! They are the world-changers; they are the ones we should spend a year sitting under!!! It makes me more and more not want to be a person who people will automatically give me glory or honor for being the way I am... I more and more am wanting to be a nobody, so lost in love for Jesus and others with a silent steady strength, someone who will just do anything God tells her... I think the holy spirit just lves working through those people... and I want to be a tramp for the lord... going where ever he would lead me, letting him work through me and love me day in and day out!!!

.... ANYWAYS! about Arcata!

so the first couple of days I was here I stayed with an amzing servant of Jesus, named Gail Fults and her daughter Sarah who was visiting from Portland, OR... the two of them just welcomed me in like family! Sarah turned 30 while I was there and they just included me in everything they were doing! Gail's home was absolutely stunning, I can't believe I got to stay there! and the firs day I was here Mosgo's had an open mic night... and there was a guy that has travel 7500 miles around touring open mics around the US and he played for us and he is a one-man-band... he has this looping pedal and he has the most amazing skill... rarely have I heard anything so amazing!! check out his website at I think? and mosgo's has been so fun!! oh my gosh and now I am staying with Tom and Beth Reed from the Arcata Vineyard! They are fabulous!!

I have to run I ran out of time on my internet time and my ride back to the house is here... I will write more tonight and post it tomorrow!! I love everyone who gets a chance to read this!!!

...going to Seattle on Saturday and staying at the Green Tortoise Hostel next to Pikes Market!!!

happy blogging!!!

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